Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Script Variables

Variables can be used to store values using a logical name. A value is assigned to a variable. After a value has been assigned, it can be recalled using the logical name of the variable.

Variables can be divided into three groups:

  • User-defined – Named and defined by the developer of the script.

  • Built-in – Describes the attributes of the graphical element (level, color, text size, text font, etc.), display system information (date and time) or control the execution of the script.

  • Database – Contains the attributes stored in a database table.

A variable must start with a letter followed by any combination of letters, numbers and underscore (“_”). Any special character (%, &, #, etc.) other than the underscore is not allowed. The logical name of a variable can be up to 40 characters.

Database variables use a special naming convention. The name of these variables consists of the name of the database table followed by a period and the name of the column (FEATURE.MSLINK).

Variables can store data of the following data types:

  • Integers

  • Floating-point numbers

  • Boolean / logical values (TRUE or FALSE)

  • Text


In the first example the integer value “3” is assigned to the variable “a” using the assignment operator (=).

In the second example the variable “b” is assigned the value of the expression “a / 4.” This expression is evaluated and produces the floating-point number “0.75” (3/4).

In the third example the variable “c” is assigned the value of the expression “a > b” (using the “is greater than” operator). This expression produces the Boolean result TRUE because “a” is greater than “b” (3 is greater than 0.75).

The value assigned to a variable is stored until it is modified in the script or when the script ends. It is possible to use arithmetic or logical expressions when assigning a value to a variable.